Web Components
整理收集一些 Web Components 相关的东东……
Web Component - Web API 接口参考 | MDN
All the Ways to Make a Web Component - Feb 2022 Update
如何基于 WebComponents 封装 UI 组件库 - 掘金
GitHub - lit/lit: Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
GitHub - Tencent/omi: Web Components Framework - Web组件框架
GitHub - ionic-team/stencil
GitHub - microsoft/fast: The adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.
GitHub - hybridsjs/hybrids: Extraordinary JavaScript UI framework with unique declarative and functional architecture
GitHub - slimjs/slim.js: Fast & Robust Front-End Micro-framework based on modern standards
GitHub - hellof2e/quark-design:面向未来的组件库,跨端、跨框架、浏览器原生,即插即用。底层基于 Quarkc!
GitHub - zdhxiong/mdui: mdui 是使用 Web Components 实现 Material You 设计规范的前端组件库
GitHub - material-components/material-web: Material Design Web Components
GitHub - XboxYan/xy-ui: 🎨面向未来的原生 web components UI组件库