官网:GitHub - defog-ai/sqlcoder: SoTA LLM for converting natural language questions to SQL queries
参考:大模型应用实践:「智能问数应用」SQL Coder 构建大模型数据分析助手 - 百度智能云千帆社区
这次的测试环境不是我的老朋友了,是公司的一台机器( Windows 10 22H2 19045 + i5-6600K CPU + 16GB 内存 + RTX 3060 12GB )
项目地址:GitHub - defog-ai/sqlcoder: SoTA LLM for converting natural language questions to SQL queries
# 创建虚拟环境 python -m venv venv # 激活虚拟环境 .\venv\scripts\activate # 退出虚拟环境 deactivate # 安装依赖(添加到这里,使用的时候方便一些) pip install -r requirements.txt # 检查 torch python import torch print("torch版本:"+torch.__version__+" ;cuda是否可用:"+str(torch.cuda.is_available())) # 安装 GPU版本 torch 下面两个都可以 pip install torch==2.1.2+cu121 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html pip install torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
# 为了测试更简单,这里将模型权重代码写死了 def get_tokenizer_model(model_name): model_path = "D:\\0-llm\\defog\\sqlcoder-7b" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_path, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16, device_map="auto", use_cache=True, ) return tokenizer, model
CREATE TABLE `task` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, -- Unique ID for each Task `title` varchar(500) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- Task Title `createdate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, -- Date of the Task Created `createuser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, -- Creator of the Task `remark` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- Remark of the Task PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
### Task Generate a SQL query to answer the following question: `{user_question}` ### Database Schema This query will run on a MySQL database whose schema is represented in this string: {table_metadata_string} ### SQL Given the database schema, here is the SQL query that answers `{user_question}`: ```sql
python inference.py -q "Count the number of Task."
python inference.py -q "Count the number of task created each month and sort the results in ascending order by month."
# 回答如下: SELECT date_trunc('month', created_at) AS MONTH, COUNT(*) AS task_count FROM task GROUP BY MONTH ORDER BY MONTH ASC; # 需要稍微修改一下: SELECT date_format(createdate, '%Y-%m') AS MONTH, COUNT(*) AS task_count FROM task GROUP BY MONTH ORDER BY MONTH ASC;
我去,这次生成的语句有两处问题:mysql不支持 date_trunc 函数(提示词中已经指明是 mysql);表结构中没有“created_at”字段,是“createdate”。还有个问题就是之前研究他的时候,用的库表是项目中正式的,当时测试的时候“createdate”是没有问题的,这里为了写这篇笔记改了一下表名、修改字段名、删了几个字段等……这有点不稳定啊
def generate_prompt(question, prompt_file="zh/prompt.md", metadata_file="zh/metadata.sql"): with open(prompt_file, "r",encoding="utf-8") as f: prompt = f.read() with open(metadata_file, "r",encoding="utf-8") as f: table_metadata_string = f.read() prompt = prompt.format( user_question=question, table_metadata_string=table_metadata_string ) return prompt
# 结构和上面的相同,只是修改成中文注释 CREATE TABLE `task` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, -- 每个任务的唯一ID `title` varchar(500) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- 任务标题 `createdate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, -- 任务的创建日期 `createuser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, -- 任务的创建人 `remark` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, -- 任务的备注 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
### 任务 生成一个SQL查询以回答以下问题: `{user_question}` ### 数据库模式 此查询将在一个MySQL数据库上运行,该数据库的模式在以下字符串中表示: {table_metadata_string} ### SQL 根据数据库模式,以下是回答 `{user_question}` 的SQL查询: ```sql
python zh/inference.py -q "统计一下任务的数量"
python zh/inference.py -q "统计每个月创建的任务的数量,并且对结果按月份升序排序"
SELECT date_format(createdate, '%Y-%m') AS MONTH, COUNT(*) AS task_count FROM task GROUP BY MONTH ORDER BY MONTH ASC;